Classroom Rules for Chemistry, Adv Chemistry, AP Chemistry and Info Sheet


Name:                                                                           Class:                                       Hour:

RULE 1:  No talking while I am talking.

RULE 2:  Behave appropriately - what I deem appropriate.

RULE 3:  Avoid being disruptive - what I deem disruptive.

RULE 4:  NO food or drink in class - gum is permissible except in lab.

RULE 5:  Cheating/copying will result in a zero for that assignment.

RULE 6:  Red pens are for classroom grading only and stay in this room.

RULE 7:  Three tardies will result in a lunch detention to be served with me.  Points will be

assigned as per the student handbook.

RULE 8:  My classroom is a happy place.  No hurtful remarks will be tolerated, so treat others

with kindness and respect.

RULE 9:  Students will bring their book, notebook, folder, and calculator to class daily.  Weekly

journals are required.

RULE 10: The classroom cell phone policy is the same as the one in the handbook.


1st - 30 minute detention with me, points assigned, phone call and note home.

2nd - Office detention.  Letter home after 10 points and AER when 20 points are accumulated.  Phone calls home will be frequent.

3rd - Removal from class after 30 points are accumulated.  Lab removal is a separate issue.

Points are determined by Mrs. Block based on the degree of the rule violation.  A minimum of 5 points will be assigned when any detention is given.

Points are doubled when a substitute teacher leaves your name.

I agree to follow the above rules:


                           student signature


                   Parent/guardian signature


Name:                                                                           Class:                                       Hour:

RULE 1:  No talking while I am talking.

RULE 2:  Behave appropriately - what I deem appropriate.

RULE 3:  Avoid being disruptive - what I deem disruptive.

RULE 4:  NO food or drink in class - gum is permissible except in lab.

RULE 5:  Cheating/copying will result in a zero for that assignment.

RULE 6:  Red pens are for classroom grading only and stay in this room.

RULE 7:  Three tardies will result in a lunch detention to be served with me.  Points will be

assigned as per the student handbook.

RULE 8:  My classroom is a happy place.  No hurtful remarks will be tolerated, so treat others

with kindness and respect.

RULE 9:  Students will bring their book, notebook, folder, and calculator to class daily. 

RULE 10: The classroom cell phone policy is the same as the one in the handbook.


1st - 30 minute detention with me, points assigned, phone call and note home.

2nd - Office detention.  Letter home after 10 points and AER when 20 points are accumulated.  Phone calls home will be frequent.

3rd - Removal from class after 30 points are accumulated.  Lab removal is a separate issue.

Points are determined by Mrs. Block based on the degree of the rule violation.  A minimum of 5 points will be assigned when any detention is given.

Points are doubled when a substitute teacher leaves your name.

I agree to follow the above rules:


                           student signature


                   Parent/guardian signature


Name:                                                                           Class:                                       Hour:

RULE 1:  No talking while I am talking.

RULE 2:  Behave appropriately - what I deem appropriate.

RULE 3:  Avoid being disruptive - what I deem disruptive.

RULE 4:  NO food or drink in class - gum is permissible except in lab.

RULE 5:  Cheating/copying will result in a zero for that assignment.

RULE 6:  Red pens are for classroom grading only and stay in this room.

RULE 7:  Three tardies will result in a lunch detention to be served with me.  Points will be

assigned as per the student handbook.

RULE 8:  My classroom is a happy place.  No hurtful remarks will be tolerated, so treat others

with kindness and respect.

RULE 9:  Students will bring their book, notebook, folder, and calculator to class daily. 

RULE 10: The classroom cell phone policy is the same as the one in the handbook.


1st - 30 minute detention with me, points assigned, phone call and note home.

2nd - Office detention.  Letter home after 10 points and AER when 20 points are accumulated.  Phone calls home will be frequent.

3rd - Removal from class after 30 points are accumulated.  Lab removal is a separate issue.

Points are determined by Mrs. Block based on the degree of the rule violation.  A minimum of 5 points will be assigned when any detention is given.

Points are doubled when a substitute teacher leaves your name.

I agree to follow the above rules:


                           student signature


                   Parent/guardian signature

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