Thursday, June 11, 2015

July homework and worksheets

JULY HOMEWORK SET #2               Name:
CHAPTER 2 – the Periodic Table

Chapter 2 Book Assignments: 91 pts


Due Date
Your pts/total
Read pages 105-114

Outline Ch 2:  the Periodic Table

Answer Block’s summary sheet

Ch 2 Crib Notes Review Sheet

AP MC questions pages 115-118 – GRADE IT!


TOTAL PTS:         /91  

Block’s Summary Sheet:  Chapter 2: Periodic Table  (40 pts)

  1. List the main group common names, the blocks, the f-block common names, define:  groups, periods, protons, electrons, neutrons, cations, anions, isotopes, mass vs number  (10 points)

  1. What element and mass did Canizzaro use as the defining mass for the Periodic Table?

  1. How to calculate the weighted average (relative atomic mass)

  1. What is a differentiating electron?

  1. What does “isoelectronic” mean?  Give an example.

  1. List the metalloids.

  1. What is a metalloid?

  1. What is an allotrope?  Note the six elements that have more than one allotropic form (four listed in your book, plus atomic # 34 and 50).

  1. List the 8 diatomics.

  1. Define atomic radius and ionic radius.

  1. Pick an element that would make a good cation.  Remove an electron and write its charge.  Is it smaller or bigger than the original element?  Why?

  1. Pick an element that would make a good anion.  Is it smaller or bigger than the original element?  Why?

  1. Define ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity.

  1. What is second ionization energy?

  1. What is third ionization energy?

  1. What are core electrons?
  2. What is the trend seen as you go down a group for:

a)    Metallic character?

b)   Melting point of a metal?

c)    Boiling point of a metal?

d)   Non-metals melting and boiling points?

e)   Atomic and ionic radii?

f)    Electronegativity, electron affinity, and ionization energy?

  1. What is the trend seen as you go across a period for:

a)    Atomic and ionic radii?

b)   Electronegativity, electron affinity, and ionization energy?

c)    Effective nuclear charge

Chapter 2 Crib Notes – THE PERIODIC TABLE                                        Name:
20 pts

Smart Guys:
Mendeleev – father of the Periodic Table
Moseley – arranged the PT by increasing atomic number based on protons
Cannizzaro – used C-12 to calculate the masses on the Periodic Table

Calculation of the weighted average of an isotope:

{(mass of isotope 1)(its percent as a decimal)} + {(mass of isotope 2)(percent as a decimal)}+ {(mass of isotope 3)(percent as a decimal)} + etc
Effective nuclear charge means that the core electrons shield the outer shell electrons from the positive charge of the nucleus.  The more electrons an element has, the more shielding it will have.

Trends of the PT:  how to back up any question…

1.  as you go across the PT, the level stays the same, but the number of protons electrons, and neutrons increases, this creates more attraction between the increasingly positive nucleus and the electrons that are close to that nucleus

2.  as you go down the PT, the number of levels increases.  This causes more shielding as the inner shell electrons counteract the positive nucleus and the outer shell electrons in the s and p orbitals are not as bound to it

Atomic and ionic radii:  decrease across the period, increase down a group
Electronegativity, Ionization Energy, Electron affinity: increase across the period, decrease down a group
Melting and Boiling Points of Metals:  decrease as you go down a group
Melting and Boiling Points of Non-Metals:  increase as you go down a group

Free response questions:  20 pts – write answers on a separate piece of paper and staple it…
1.  Compare an alkali metal to a halogen. 

HINT:  This is a good time to bring out what you know about the periodic table.  Discuss where they are located specifically on the Periodic Table (block, period, group, give their shorthand to show reactivity or lack thereof).  Compare them based on their:  electronegativity, electron affinity, ionization energy, atomic radii, ionic radii, metallic character… (10 pts)

2. Compare sodium with chlorine.  Who is the better cation?  Why?  Draw orbital notation (boxes) to explain your answers, discussing the trends of the Periodic Table.  Now compare sodium with rubidium, both in the same group.  Who is the better cation?  Why? Be sure to discuss which side of the Periodic Table wants to gain electrons and become an anion and which elements want to lose electrons and become cations?  (10 pts)

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