Saturday, August 19, 2017

Week 2 Lesson Plans

WEEK 2  Lesson Plans for August 21st – 25th

Chemistry I   This week will focus primarily on lab safety rules, demonstrations, and discussion as safety is our first priority in a lab course.  We will also begin lecture on “what is chemistry?” and discuss the units of study for the class.

1.    questionairre with 5 questions due Friday 8/25
2.    info sheet and blog sheet due today
3.    go over class rules and lab safety contract due Friday 8/25 with parent signature
4.    Lab tour and safety rules
5.    safety rules demos
6.    pre-test in class tomorrow
7.    post-test on Friday 8/25
8.    hand out periodic tables
9.    hand out books
10.  GTK book due Thurs. 8/24
11.  extra credit due next Monday 8/28

1.    Lab Safety Pre-Test
2.    paperwork due Friday 8/25
3.    Getting to Know Your Book worksheet due Thursday 8/24
4.    element review due Friday 8/25

     1.       Pre-Test Back
     2.       Continue going over lab safety rules
     3.       Tour of lab and use of fire extinguisher
     4.       Set hands on fire!
     5.       go over lab safety rules pre-test
     6.       Lab safety rules post-test on Friday
     7.   Unit I notes - what is Chemistry?
8.   element review due Friday

     1.   Getting to Know Your Book worksheet -grade
     2.   lab equipment and drawers
     3.   Finish safety rules and demos
     4.       Post-test tomorrow
     5.       Unit I notes - What is Chemistry? continued
     6.    Set hands on fire!
     7.   Turn in paperwork by Friday

     1.       Lab Safety Post-test
2.       element review due
3.    lab equipment review
4.    unit I review sheet due Tuesday 8/29
5.    GTK ch 1 due Thursday 8/31
     6.    Lab safety contract due
     7.       All paperwork is past due


1. analyze proper lab safety procedures
2. identify lab equipment
3. identify locations of safety equipment in lab

Common Core Standards:

RST.9-10.4.  Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9–10 texts and topics.
RST.9-10.5.  Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships among key terms (e.g., force, friction, reaction force, energy).


·         Lab Safety Demos
·         Safety Contract
·         Clicker Pre-Test review
·         Lab safety Post-Test
·         Glass-working Lab
·         Getting to know your Book assignment
·         Journal Assignment #1

Advanced Chemistry – This week reviews important concepts from last year – balancing chemical equations and calculating formula weights.  A decomposition of potassium chlorate is used in lab to apply these concepts and re-familiarize the students with lab equipment and protocol.

1.       Lab Safety Post-Test tomorrow over lab safety rules
2.       Balancing review due Weds 8/23
3.       Quiz over balancing on Thursday 8/24
4.       Review MASS and FORMULAE NOTES from ch 7
5.       Ch 7 worksheet due Friday 8/25

1.       Turn in paperwork
2.       Lab Safety Post-Test over lab safety rules
3.       Balancing review due tomorrow and quiz Thursday
4.       Finish ch 7 notes review from last year
5.   Ch 7 worksheet due Friday 8/25

1.      Lab safety test back
2.   Balancing review sheet due and grade
3.      Quiz over balancing tomorrow
4.   Ch 7 worksheet due Friday 8/25

1.    Balancing review quiz
2.       Ch 7 worksheet due tomorrow
3.    Percent Composition Pre-Lab

1.       Balancing review quiz back
2.   Grade ch 7 review worksheet
3.   Lab Monday
4.  Start Stoichiometry notes


1.      review of balancing equations
2.      using stoichiometrical analysis
      3.  applying stoichiometry to lab

Common Core Standards:

WHST.11-12.4.  Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

RST.11-12.4.  Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and topics 


·         Air Bag Lab and report
·         Balancing Equations Test
·         Stoichiometry Test
·         Stoichiometry Lab and report
·         Smores Lab
·         Whole group discussion of air bag lab
·         Quizzes and worksheets

AP Chemistry – This week students will design their chemistry club ultraviolet-developed t-shirts used for Chemistry Club visits.  We will review ch 1 AP review material.  Organic chemistry lecture will introduce hydrocarbons while reviewing types of bonding and forces with a lab, observing food coloring drops in various solutions

Monday:  half-day
1.  ion quiz #1 will be Weds
2.  lab safety post-tests tomorrow - go over hints
3.  ch 1 review slides and go over ch 1
4.  t-shirt ideas

1.  Lab Safety Post-Test over lab safety rules
2.  continue ch 1 review if time
3.  chapter 4 assignment due Sept 30th - collated and in folders
4.  t-shirt ideas

1.  ion quiz #1 here
2.  safety test back
3.  ch 1 crib notes and slides
4.  t-shirt ideas
5.  free response #1 due Monday

1.  ion quiz back
2.  quantum number white board activity
3.  ch 1 notes continued
4.  quantum number quiz tomorrow

1.  quantum number quiz
2.  finish chapter 1 review
3.  Free Response #1 The Atom
4.  free response #1 due Monday

Chapter 1 – Atomic Structure
  • Discuss the history of chemistry and the foundational laws (i.e. law of conservation of mass, law of definite proportions)
  • Explain the discovery of the atom historically
  • Communicate the different atomic theories
  • Interpret the periodic table in terms of protons, neutrons, electrons, and molar mass

  • Describe the dual nature of electrons
  • Calculate the energy of an electron transition
  • Identify various elements by their line emission spectrum
  • Compare and contrast the Bohr  and Quantum model of the atom
  • Explain the Heisenberg uncertainty, Pauli exclusion, and Aufbau principles along with Hund’s rule
  • Ascribe electrons appropriate quantum numbers and identify incorrect sets of quantum numbers

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