Friday, February 2, 2018

Week 6 - Lesson Plans for Feb 5 - 9

Week 6 - Lesson Plans for Feb 5 - 9

Chemistry I:  Tests over chapters 3 and 4 are reviewed.  Chapter 5 - the Periodic Table - is explored further, applying what we learned about quantum theory.  The focus of lab are the alkali metals , main group 1.  Chapter 6 introduces the ion, a charged atom.  Students will begin looking up and hooking up ions to form ionic compounds and name them.


      1.  tests back
2.  ch 5 PT review due Thursday
3.  quiz over it Friday
4.  Alkali Metals worksheet and Pre-Lab

Tuesday:   Alkali Metals Lab - reports due next Tuesday 2 /13


1.  ch 6 notes on ions
2.  ion sheet
3.  ions worksheet left column
4.  Ch 5 PT review due tomorrow

1.  continue notes thru electronegativity
2.  continue notes thru naming covalent compounds
3.  grade ch 5 review
4.  quiz tomorrow on PT Trends
5.  electric pickle lab

1.  Alkali metals lab due Tuesday with turnitin
2.  ch 5 PT Trends quiz
3.  notes on covalent bonding

Adv.  Chemistry  - This week we will apply our virtual titration skills in wet lab and identify unknown concentrations as well as finding the end point where mols of base are equal to mols of acid.  Titration curve graphs will be analyzed and assessed.

1.      grade naming acids
2.      quiz over naming acids and bases
3.      Titration curves notes
4.      titration curves worksheet due Thursday
5.      titration 1 worksheet due Wednesday
6.      virtual labs due

1.  ion quiz tomorrow
2.  notes on titration of diprotics
3.  grad naming bases
4.  naming bases quiz
5.  titration I due tomorrow

1.  ion quiz
2.  grade titration I
2.  quiz over naming bases
3.   notes on titration curves

1.      titration II due tomorrow
2.      quiz over strong acids and bases
3.      ICE table notes
4.      quiz over titration tomorrow

1.  grade titration II
2.  titration quiz
3.  ICE table notes and Ka

AP Chemistry  -  We will finish discussing the assignment of oxidation numbers within a compound and apply that knowledge to balancing redox problems.  Several short labs will look at how the oxidation numbers of an atom change during a reaction and can give us voltage.  Redox problems sets will be worked in class to master this idea.

1.  grade oxidation number review
2.  labs due tomorrow
3.  notes and practice problems
4.  problem set I due Weds
5.  oxidation number quiz tomorrow

1.  go over problem set I  #1-4
2.  quiz over oxidation numbers
3.  redox notes and examples
4.  ion quiz tomorrow

1.  go over oxidation number quiz
2.  ion quiz
3.  redox notes and problems

1.  Problem #5 as pop quiz
2.  problems 6-9 due Monday
3.  redox agents worksheet I due Tuesday

1. #5 quiz back
2.  instant fire lab
3.  work on problems 6-9 due Monday

4.  work on redox agents worksheet I due Tuesday

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